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      Hello, Your Current Location:Home> Brief introduction to acceptance standard of coater
            Mechanical part
            1. Horizontal: each transfer roll is horizontal, and the steel roll runout is within 2 microns.
            2. Roller appearance: the transfer roller is smooth, and the scraper blade is free of scratches
            3. Oven temperature: error ± 3 degrees; Fluctuation ± 3 degrees.
            4. Inflation shaft: inflation and deflation are normal.
            5. Both sides have the same strength.
            Product inspection
            1. The substrate is not wrinkled or peeled.
            2. Whether the speed meets the maximum value.
            3. Gap: can be coated within 5mm width.
            4. Large pieces: the error of attached material and empty foil is ± 1mm, the longitudinal thickness fluctuation is ± 3 μ m, the transverse thickness fluctuation is ± 3 μ m, the error between the head and tail thickness and the middle thickness is - 8~+3 μ m (within 5mm width), and the head and tail drag is within 1mm,
            5. Oven: capable of drying at 5 m/min.
            6. Alignment error: ± 1mm.
            7. Appearance of large area: cannot tilt.

      The Company Concept Of "High Precision Production Equipment" Strives To Create Domestic And Even International High-Quality Production Enterprises With High Standards.

      Contact Us

      Contacts:Nailong Zhou(general manager)
      Phone:+86 18861506008
      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

      Copyright  ?2023  Wuxi Tianniu Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd  Record No.:蘇ICP備19023540號-1Designed by HUSEO
      Corporate Headquarters
      Wuxi Tianniu Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd
      Nailong Zhou(general manager):+86 18861506008
      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

      Overseas Sales/After-Sales Service Center
      Wuhu Fangbuyuan Industrial design Co., LTD.
      No.1-15 Taishan Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province:
      Wuhu Haofan intelligent equipment Co., LTD:
      Anhui Wuhu Economic Development Zone
      Record No.:蘇ICP備19023540號-1
      Designed by HUSEO
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