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      Hello, Your Current Location:Home> Talent Concept

      To demand ourselves by international standards.
      To satisfy customers according to market demand.
      Sending excellent professional team to provide service.
      We use high precision and fine workmanship to produce equipment.
      We know the importance of specialization, we have 4 teams now, different teams do different coating machine scenarios applications, and we adhere to the concept of being specialized and refined. We are committed to opening up the application of the whole industry chain of the coating machine. With 22 years of production and manufacturing experience in the coating machine industry, we are a professional company engaged in the development and manufacturing of coating machines.

      The Company Concept Of "High Precision Production Equipment" Strives To Create Domestic And Even International High-Quality Production Enterprises With High Standards.

      Contact Us

      Contacts:Nailong Zhou(general manager)
      Phone:+86 18861506008
      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

      Copyright  ?2023  Wuxi Tianniu Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd  Record No.:蘇ICP備19023540號(hào)-1Designed by HUSEO
      Corporate Headquarters
      Wuxi Tianniu Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd
      Nailong Zhou(general manager):+86 18861506008
      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

      Overseas Sales/After-Sales Service Center
      Wuhu Fangbuyuan Industrial design Co., LTD.
      No.1-15 Taishan Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province:
      Wuhu Haofan intelligent equipment Co., LTD:
      Anhui Wuhu Economic Development Zone
      Record No.:蘇ICP備19023540號(hào)-1
      Designed by HUSEO
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