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      Hello, Your Current Location:Home> Some technical parameters of hot melt adhesive are introduced
           Hot-melt adhesive can be used for all kinds of book cases, gift boxes and photo albums. The hot melt adhesive has fragrant smell, strong viscosity, good fluidity, the using effect is clean,and has strong folding ability and the drying time is short. Due to the low water content of the hot melt adhesive, it can solve the deformation, brittleness, blistering and other phenomena that are easy to occur after the book case is made, and will not cause corrosion to the machine. The hot-melt adhesive coating is only half of the general glue. Hot melt adhesive refers to a kind of thermoplastic adhesive material with polymer as the main body, which is coated in the melting state and solidified after cooling. It is solid at room temperature.

      The main terms related to the characteristics of hot melt adhesives include: heat resistance of hot melt adhesives: it refers to the temperature that hot melt adhesives can withstand when bonding with materials.
      Thermoplasticity of hot melt adhesive: opposite to thermoplasticity, it is thermosetting. Thermoplasticity is the property that can be repeatedly melted and solidified under the action of heating or cooling.
      Aging resistance of hot-melt adhesive: aging resistance refers to the extent to which the bonding strength or adhesion of the bonding system changes with time during storage at room temperature.
      Thermal stability of hot melt adhesive: thermal stability refers to the ability of glue material to withstand high temperature for a long time.
      Low temperature resistance of hot melt adhesive: the ability of hot melt adhesive can still maintain good bonding strength or adhesion at low temperature.
      Softening point of hot melt adhesive: the hot melt adhesive material softens and approaches the flow when heated.
      Viscosity of hot melt adhesive: an indicator of fluid fluidity. High viscosity means poor fluidity. Hot melt adhesive is related to the properties, temperature, concentration and shear rate of the fluid itself.
      Opening time of hot melt adhesive: it refers to the time interval between the adhesive coating and the surface when the adhesive can still adhere to the substrate. The adhesive has a good bonding effect within the opening time. It is related to factors such as glue, temperature, base material and glue amount.
      Curing time of hot melt adhesive: the time from the adhesive is pressed between two substrates to the formation of a solid bond.
      Cohesion of hot melt adhesive: it refers to the microscopic expression of the strength of hot melt adhesive itself, which is similar to the tensile strength.
      Wire drawing of hot melt adhesive: it refers to the thin wire at the end of the hot melt adhesive when the hot melt adhesive is transferred from the coating head to the base material. It is related to the properties of the hot melt adhesive, the temperature of gluing and the coating method.
      Repair of hot melt adhesive: generally divided into rough repair and fine repair, which is the process of cleaning up the upper and lower residual adhesive and the residual edge after edge bonding.
      Cutting of hot melt adhesive: cutting before after edge sealing is the process of cleaning the remaining edges before and after edge sealing tape.
      Polishing of hot melt adhesive: it is upper and lower polishing, which can make the upper and lower sections of the edge banding tape regular and smooth.
      Edge banding of hot melt adhesive: the process of pasting the edge banding tape to the plate. It is recommended that users evaluate the adaptability of hot melt adhesives in the operating environment before purchasing them. Different types of hot melt adhesives are not fully guaranteed to be used in the same environment.

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      Contacts:Nailong Zhou(general manager)
      Phone:+86 18861506008
      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

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      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

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