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      Hello, Your Current Location:Home> The manufacturer pointed out that hot melt adhesive and environmental protection adhesive should be the development direction of adhesive
            It is reported that the environment-friendly water-based adhesive uses water as the solvent, and the hot-melt adhesive uses no solvent as the solid adhesive, which theoretically solves the fundamental problem of "toxicity". The solvent-free reactive polyester hot melt adhesive is crosslinked with the help of water or heat to achieve good adhesion strength. As a high-performance environment-friendly adhesive, hot-melt adhesive is a technology developed in the 12th Five-Year Plan.
            Compared with solvent-based polyurethane adhesive, water-based polyurethane adhesive has no odor of solvent, is non-toxic, is easy to clean, has high solid content, and is easy to handle. In the 1990s, the environmental protection laws and regulations of European and American countries became increasingly strict, and waterborne polyurethane adhesive was applied industrially. Of course, the production of water-based adhesives requires high comprehensive performance, such as solid content of more than 50%, hydrolysis resistance, etc.
            In recent years, the news that is not conducive to China's footwear exports frequently appears. For example, the detection of azo, phthalic acid and other chemical substances implemented by the EU has become a powerful weapon for the EU to resist Chinese footwear products. Europe and the United States and other places not only detect the VOC content of footwear products, but also detect the residue of footwear storage space, objectively becoming a technical barrier for footwear exports. In view of the fact that environment-friendly water-based adhesive has not become the mainstream at present, some manufacturers believe that cost is not a problem, but the key is the awareness of shoe manufacturers. According to the analysis of industry insiders, 80% to 85% of solvent-based glue is solvent, and the effective solid content is not more than 20%, while the solid content of water-based glue is more than 50%, which is three times that of solvent-based glue. The selling price of water-based adhesive on the market is about 2 to 2.5 times that of solvent adhesive. In terms of conversion, water-based adhesive is not only inexpensive, but also relatively cheaper.
            Hot melt adhesives have high requirements for production equipment, technology and process. The production of Tianchuang hot-melt adhesive products depends on the formula and corresponding production process, so the product formula and corresponding production process are the basis for maintaining the competitive advantage of the products. Following the development of international advanced technology, the R&D and production of main products are independently implemented. After more than ten years of development, a stable technical R&D team has been formed, providing strong support for continuous R&D.
            The enterprise will rely on its own technology and market advantages in the field of hot-melt adhesive materials, adhere to the professional development idea, and build a professional field of thermoplastic polymer adhesive materials and their application products with guaranteed quality. It will also take advantage of the environmental protection performance of hot-melt adhesive materials and the technical advantages formed by years of continuous investment and accumulation in this field to realize the product substitution of environment-friendly hot-melt adhesive materials for non-environment-friendly adhesives, as well as the localization substitution of high-performance hot-melt adhesive materials for multinational enterprises.
            In the future, we will take technological progress as our own development impetus, grasp the core development elements of basic development and application development of hot-melt adhesive products by implementing technology reserve, update and application strategies, carry out steady expansion around the main industry, strengthen market guidance and large-scale industrial market development, and ensure the company's position in the industry. The company will also further strengthen international technical cooperation and further expand its overseas business market.

      The Company Concept Of "High Precision Production Equipment" Strives To Create Domestic And Even International High-Quality Production Enterprises With High Standards.

      Contact Us

      Contacts:Nailong Zhou(general manager)
      Phone:+86 18861506008
      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

      Copyright  ?2023  Wuxi Tianniu Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd  Record No.:蘇ICP備19023540號-1Designed by HUSEO
      Corporate Headquarters
      Wuxi Tianniu Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd
      Nailong Zhou(general manager):+86 18861506008
      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

      Overseas Sales/After-Sales Service Center
      Wuhu Fangbuyuan Industrial design Co., LTD.
      No.1-15 Taishan Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province:
      Wuhu Haofan intelligent equipment Co., LTD:
      Anhui Wuhu Economic Development Zone
      Record No.:蘇ICP備19023540號-1
      Designed by HUSEO
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