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      Hello, Your Current Location:Home> Hot melt coating machine is an ideal tool for the replacement in composite industry
            Hot-melt adhesive coating machine is a kind of equipment that uses solvent-free, water-free, 100% solid fusible polymer as a solid at room temperature, and then heats and melts it to a certain extent to become a liquid adhesive that can flow and has a certain viscosity. It is coated on the substrate, usually including a composite part, which can combine another substrate and the coated substrate.
            According to industry insiders, the curing of traditional solvent-based and water-based adhesives generally requires an oven, which takes up more workshop space and consumes a lot of energy. In addition, a lot of waste water and sludge will be generated, which is not environmentally friendly and not conducive to human health. With the improvement of people's environmental awareness and the establishment and improvement of relevant laws, the application of solvent-based adhesives is declining at a certain rate every year because of its great impact on environmental pollution. However, water-based adhesive has the disadvantages of poor water resistance, poor electrical characteristics, long drying time and large energy consumption, and its application has also decreased year by year.
            Compared with the traditional two forms, the hot melt adhesive coater has the advantages of stable performance, high utilization of raw materials, fast production speed, high yield, small equipment area and small investment. Its working principle is that it can melt the solid hot melt adhesive and transport the melted liquid adhesive to the adhesive coating device through the pressure device to coat the substrate, It is an electromechanical equipment that integrates temperature control function, fluid pressure transmission function and extrusion coating function. It also has the function of automatic control and automatic tracking of production line speed.
            Due to the energy saving and environmental protection of the hot melt adhesive coating machine, which effectively solves the inherent disadvantages in the traditional process, it is an ideal production tool for the coating and composite industry to update. Experts said that the hot melt adhesive coating machine will gradually replace the solvent-based adhesive in the future.
            With the development of automation and intelligent technology, intelligent control is more and more widely used in the control mechanism of automatic hot-melt adhesive coating machine, which is mainly based on fuzzy logic control theory.

      The Company Concept Of "High Precision Production Equipment" Strives To Create Domestic And Even International High-Quality Production Enterprises With High Standards.

      Contact Us

      Contacts:Nailong Zhou(general manager)
      Phone:+86 18861506008
      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

      Copyright  ?2023  Wuxi Tianniu Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd  Record No.:蘇ICP備19023540號(hào)-1Designed by HUSEO
      Corporate Headquarters
      Wuxi Tianniu Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd
      Nailong Zhou(general manager):+86 18861506008
      Fax:+86 510-86655556
      Address:Zhenbei Road No.1, Huangtu Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China

      Overseas Sales/After-Sales Service Center
      Wuhu Fangbuyuan Industrial design Co., LTD.
      No.1-15 Taishan Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province:
      Wuhu Haofan intelligent equipment Co., LTD:
      Anhui Wuhu Economic Development Zone
      Record No.:蘇ICP備19023540號(hào)-1
      Designed by HUSEO
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